Assistance for students and researchers affected by the war in Ukraine

Thank you very much that you would like to show your solidarity and support students and researchers of Heidelberg University affected by the war in Ukraine.

Please enter your desired donation below and select your preferred type of payment afterwards. You can either donate by online transfer (from a German Bank account) or by credit card.

1. Your donation

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* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously, which is why we only transfer all the data you give for forms and donations in encrypted form. Our information regarding data protection indications aim to give you full insight into the processing of your data.

Pursuant to Articles 15-18 GDPR you can receive information free of charge about the data we have saved. You can have the data corrected or deleted, or instruct that processing is restricted. Furthermore, you have the right to protest to the supervisory authority responsible. Requests for information or correction should be addressed in writing to the Division for Foundations and Assets | Universität Heidelberg | Seminarstr. 2 | 69117 Heidelberg or by email to

You can also make a donation to the account below by indicating the purpose.


Stiftungskasse Universität Heidelberg

Baden-Württembergische Bank Stuttgart

IBAN DE90 6005 0101 7421 5042 29


Purpose: Solidarity


Division for Foundations and Assets

Tel. +49 6221 54-12801
